Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blog Post #5 - Practicing Etymology and Morphology

Etymology- originated from the word acknowledge that was use around 1590s, 
Morphemes- ac- knowledge- ment
                                    (Prefix) (Stem) (Suffix)
Word formation: Conversion

Etymology- this word was use by the 1600 originated from the Greek word anonymus “without a name” and from an- “without” + onyma, Ӕolic dialectal form of onoma “name”
Morphemes- an- onym- ous
                                    (Prefix) (Stem) (Suffix)
Word formation: Borrowing

Etymology- this word originated from the French word ypocrite in 1200s or from the Greek word hypokrites “stage actor, pretender, dissembler,” from hypokrinesthai
Morphemes- hypo- crite
                        () ()
Word formation: Borrowing
Etymology- this word was use in the late 14 century from the French word impossibilis   “not possible”
Morphemes- im- possible
                        (Prefix) (Stem)
Derivational/ lexical
Word formation: Borrowing
Etymology- this word was use in the early 15 century from the French word résistance, earlier resistence, and that word from resistentia from Latin. Meaning “organized covert opposition to an occupying or ruling power”
Morphemes- resist- tence
                        (Stem) (Suffix)
Word formation: Borrowing


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Blog Post #4 - Web 2.0, Social Networking, and Technology

Monday, October 3, 2011
Blog Post #4 - Web 2.0, Social Networking, and Technology
As we have discussed in class, languages continue to change and new words are continually added, based on culture, technology, and new invention.

Please watch these interesting videos on Web 2.0, social networking, and technology:

Questions for you:
1.        How do you think the rise of social networking affects language use? (Give some examples)
·         The rise of social network kind of ruining and benefit the use of language, for example the use of the word “lol” (laughing out loud) and people are texting some words wrong like “rite” for right most definitely mass up the English language. And on the other hand because of the internet and other social network helps expand our use of knowledge, for example the media is telling me one thing and wont or just can’t elaborate on detail s I can go online  find out that way.

2.       Does the spread of the Internet and other technologies create a larger need for English knowledge around the world, or reduce its necessity?
·         Yes, because now that it companies like Google or YouTube that are worldwide and have wider audience and star buck or McDonald that are also around the world give people of other job depending position.  And because you YouTube people in Korea can hear a song and see a video from America.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Blogs post #3

1. The Case of the Changing Prefix

We form negative meanings for words in like audible and edible by adding the prefix in- (inaudible and inedible). First, determine the negative versions of the following words:

balance = unbalance/imbalance     compatible = incompatible     complete = incomplete        decent = indecent   glorious = inglorious      gratitude = ingratitude     legal = illegal        literate = illiterate    mature = immature    perfect = imperfect      possible = impossible  rational = irrational   responsible = irresponsible     sane = insane    tolerant = intolerant      variable = invariable

Now, explain why some of the prefixes are different.  What are the phonological processes involved with their pronunciation?
·         The prefix are different in some of the words because every word have a different meaning and it simply sound better, I can’t say inbalance  it just doesn’t sound right. Prefixes are words that add on in the beginning.
·         The phonological processes involved with  their pronunciation are usually the /I/ and /a/

2.  The Case of the Shifting Plural Suffix

The use of the plural -s has three different ways of pronunciation.  
a.  The plural sounds like /s/ for words like bat, book, cough, and ship.  
b.  However, it sounds like /z/ for words like cab, cave, lad, rag, and thing. 
c.  And the plural sounds like /ez/ for words like bus, bush, church, judge, and maze.

First, identify the phoneme that comes just before the plural in each of these words.

Now, can you discover what these sets of sounds (the final phoneme of the word and the phoneme for the type of plural it uses) have in common?
·         What these words have in common is that their sounds are plural and use the /z/ and /ez/, /s/ phoneme. When using /s/ words sound voiceless while with /z/ and /ez/ voiced.